Tony Jeff: Unique Online Content Key

Posted by: Contributing columnist, CLARION LEDGER FEATURE, BUSINESS, October 7, 2015: 527_thumb

What uniquely online content do you enjoy?

We have explored the world of “The Long Tail” in the last two columns and the whole idea that the internet has enabled user-generated niche content to thrive — stuff that’s on topics so obscure that very few people even notice or care.  Since then, I have enjoyed talking about this topic more with readers and getting some feedback, which varied from “You’re barely scratching the surface on these topics” to “You make my head hurt.”

This week, let’s move away from theory and talk about practical solutions.  I want to share some of the awesome places I get user-generated content, and I also want to ask you to answer the question: “What uniquely online content do you enjoy?”  I invite every reader to be a part of this conversation and comment online or email me with your answers, and I’ll post the results.

Before you answer the question though, let me first say that while apps like FlipBoard and news sites are great, I’m really looking for your feedback on true user-generated content and things that aren’t headlines or news stories.  I’ll better explain what areas help me, and I’d love your comments on similar sites.

For example, as a father of two boys ages 5 and 3, I’m constantly putting together toys, playhouses, bikes and other such things.  Adding to the mayhem is the fact that if there is one constant in my house, it’s that the directions for most toys are lost within two days (one day for the really complicated ones, of course).  As a result, I’ve discovered that an unbelievable amount of this type of information is on YouTube.  You can watch parents demonstrating how to fold a 6-foot-by-20-foot playhouse into the size of a suitcase.  You can watch someone effortlessly adjust a tricycle to go from baby to toddler size.  You can even watch videos of how to remove crayon markings from the roof of a car or from the inside of a refrigerator.

Good content isn’t just for parents, of course.  I know people who have learned to play the guitar online.  Every day, people are learning foreign languages, better video game techniques and nearly every imaginable hobby online through YouTube videos.  Discussions on practically any topic can be heard from real experts and arm-chair experts.  If you don’t believe it or don’t use YouTube much, think of a topic and see if it’s on YouTube — and I predict you’ll find the content you are looking for.

Less known, but just as deep in content and maybe in an easier format, are podcasts.  In fact, I rarely listen to the radio in my car anymore because I am instead listening to podcasts.  There are podcasts on nearly every topic you could imagine, and the depth of coverage is amazing.  There are hours of podcasts around single episodes of certain television shows and podcasts in multiple languages and for learning new languages.

Since Innovate Mississippi works with lots of startup technology companies, the podcast that first caught my attention and that I now heavily recommend is “Startup.”  This podcast is compelling to listen to and covers the full story of Alex Blumberg quitting his job at NPR to start his own company, Gimlet Media, a podcast media company.  He tapes conversations with investors, with his co-founder and even with his wife as they discuss the business, their finances and all of the interesting behind-the-scenes activity of a startup

Gimlet Media has gone on to create several new shows and a second season of “Startup,” all of which are well-produced and entertaining.  There is also a large number of other podcasts that have hit mainstream over the past year, including “Serial,” “Ted Radio Hour” and “Freakinomics Radio.”

In last week’s column we discussed the Mississippi-based company, Podastery. It is an excellent example of a business that has developed both broad-appeal content and very local content.  The ability to make high-quality local content is a great attribute of podcasts.  The ability to listen from a computer or any mobile device — either by streaming or downloading the podcasts — gives great flexibility as well.

This week’s challenge:  I want to hear from you about what uniquely online content you enjoy.

Tony Jeff is the president and CEO of Innovate Mississippi. He can be reached at