Tony Jeff: Emerging Killer Apps on the Horizon

P527_thumbosted by: Contributing columnist, CLARION LEDGER FEATURE, BUSINESS, August 26, 2015  To continue our conversation from the last two weeks on the “Internet of Things,” which is simply a description of the network of real-time connected devices all around us, you’ll remember I’ve addressed the lack of break-through or “killer” apps in a couple of key industries and talked about some scary misuses such as hacking of cars. But, as always, if there is a problem to be solved, I’m confident there will be an entrepreneur attempting to solve it.

Today, let’s explore some ideas around the next emerging killer apps — and possibly even give a few entrepreneurs some ideas they can build into a real business.

I have bemoaned the lack of killer apps in home automation — despite popular culture’s focus on this area since “The Jetson’s.” In my opinion, the hurdle to implementation of Internet of Things systems is pretty simple — automation isn’t adopted because it’s cool, it’s adopted because it has real value. For example, where is the value in your toaster being connected to your smartphone if you still have to get the bread out and put it in the toaster? I suppose having a reminder that your toast is ready is nice, but is it really enough to translate into value? The same is true for connected refrigerators, waffle irons and even ovens or washing machines — the amount of incremental value created versus the trouble of programming and using them just isn’t enough to inspire much use.

So, if the home automation market isn’t yet bursting with killer apps, what are the useful ones on the way? Well, one is the use of connectivity to automatically control heating and cooling to keep each room a desired temperature. I know in our home one bedroom is always warmer than the others, which is an annoying problem. There have already been expensive systems to correct this, but with connected thermostats in each room and responsive vents and fans, this becomes a much easier and less expensive solution.

Another breakthrough already deployed is the concept of bringing impulse purchases directly to the home through connected devices. As an example, when you are close to being out of Tide detergent, it is easy enough to pull out your phone and order a new box to be delivered to your front door, via Amazon or Though, with Amazon’s “Dash Button” replenishing program, that process is even easier — just place a Tide Dash Button on your washing machine and simply push it when you need to order more. Amazon receives and then fulfills that order for you. Of course, that sounds great until you need 147 buttons for different things, but it’s only a matter of time before these types of applications will be combined into smart appliances for automatic ordering. Simple phone apps, as well, can do much of the same thing.

Have you ever been at the grocery store and wondered if you needed more grapes or if the milk carton in the fridge was low? Well, LG Electronics designed a refrigerator that allows you to see a picture from inside your refrigerator that can help answer those questions for you when you’re standing at the grocery store. That may still be a far cry from the potential of your refrigerator keeping a grocery list or even ordering groceries when they are low, but for now, it will at least save a phone call home asking someone to look in the fridge for you.

Good apps aren’t just limited to the home. We’ve seen several companies emerge with tracking devices for all kinds of items — and even children. While most of these are fairly simple, one-way tracking devices, as they become more sophisticated, they will no-doubt morph into interconnected communication devices.

Interestingly, many insurance and fleet management companies around the world have offered small tracking devices as simple ways to track and monitor driving. It turns out that this monitoring can be extremely beneficial for both consumers and fleet managers by saving money on insurance premiums. However, while their approach was right, there is a problem — these devices connect directly into a vehicle’s control system in order to collect the data, but this connection is vulnerable and can be hacked to control vehicle functions.

A Mississippi company that Innovate Mississippi has worked with has found a more secure and elegant solution to do the same thing. VRM Telematics, of Ridgeland, is now deploying their Sentinel ( remote system primarily for parents of first-time drivers as well as fleet managers, but the data they are collecting has the same value in saving money on insurance. The big advantage they also have is that their device is completely self-contained and doesn’t have any connection into the vehicle control circuits — so there is no danger of the vehicle being hacked through their system.

The whole idea of finding value in tracking driving habits to save on insurance is a great example of solving a problem using the Internet of Things. I know that there are dozens, or even hundreds, of similar applications that we’ll see emerge in the near future as well. I welcome your thoughts regarding what killer apps you think are on the horizon, and I hope some Mississippi entrepreneurs take the opportunity to create solutions to meet those needs.

Tony Jeff is the president and CEO of Innovate Mississippi. He can be reached at